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[Colloquium] Luiz DeRose Adaptive Supercomputing
February 12, 2015
Colloquium Video:
- Date: Thursday, February 12, 2015
- Time: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
- Place: Mechanical Engineering, Room 218
Luiz DeRose Sr. Principal Engineer Programming Environments Director Cray Inc. Abstract The scale of current and future high end systems with wide nodes, many integrated core (MIC) architectures, and heterogeneous processing elements, as well as the increasing system software and architecture complexity, brings a new set of challenges for application developers. These technology changes in the supercomputing industry are forcing computational scientists to face new critical system characteristics that will significantly impact the performance and scalability of applications. Likewise, High performance computing applications have become much more complex, increasing the demand for better performance, which can no longer be achieved through conventional processor improvements and a one-size-fits-all mentality. The challenges in today's high end computing market are driving changes in the way supercomputers should be designed. Application developers need systems that can adapt to the application needs and a programming environment that can address and hide the issues of scale and complexity of high end HPC systems. In this talk I will present Cray's adaptive supercomputing strategy, which integrates scalar processing, vector processing, multithreading, and hardware accelerators in a single high-performance computing platform, and provides a powerful programming environment with intelligent compilers and adaptive libraries, tools, and runtime systems, that can help users solve multi-disciplinary and multi-scale problems achieving high levels of performance and programmability.
Dr. Luiz DeRose is a Senior Principal Engineer and the Programming Environments Director at Cray Inc, where he is responsible for the programming environment strategy for all Cray systems. Before joining Cray in 2004, he was a research staff member and the Tools Group Leader at the Advanced Computing Technology Center at IBM Research. Dr. DeRose has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. With more than 20 years of high performance computing experience and a deep knowledge of its programming environments, he has published more than 50 peer-review articles in scientific journals, conferences, and book chapters, primarily on the topics of compilers and tools for high performance computing. Dr. DeRose participated in the definition and creation of the OpenACC standard for accelerators high level programming. He was the Organizing and Program Committee co-chair of the 10th International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP) in 2014, was the Global Chair for the Multicore and Manycore Programming topic in Euro-Par 2013, and was the Program Committee co-Chair at the 21st International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques PACT-2012.