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[Colloquium] NMC & PRObE
April 15, 2014
Watch Colloquium:
- Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2014
- Time: 11:00 am – 11:50 am
- Place: Mechanical Engineering 218
Andree Jacobson
Computer and Information Systems Manager
New Mexico Consortium
The New Mexico Consortium (NMC) is a non-profit corporation formed by the three New Mexico research universities to advance scientific research and education. The NMC pursues joint research initiatives with Los Alamos National Laboratory in Advanced Computing, Plants, Bio-medical Technology and Engineering and Modeling & Analysis. The NMC executes innovative models for operating collaborative research across our partner institutions; the ability to assemble and integrate inter-related but highly specialized research capabilities distinguishes the NMC partnership. PRObE - The Parallel Reconfigurable Observational environment (, is an NSF funded computer center housed at the NMC in Los Alamos. PRObE is a vital part of the NMC Advanced Computing initiative, aimed to provide a large-scale testbed for systems researchers from all over the country. Several clusters are available - the largest with around 1000 nodes, and the newest one with 34x 64-core servers with very high speed networks. This talk will focus on PRObE, how it was built, what it can facilitate, and how it can be beneficial to the New Mexico universities - especially in computer science. We'll also talk about how the NMC can be a valuable resource for researchers wanting to run and find collaborative partners and projects with LANL as well as other universities, particularly on the computing related topics.
Andree joined the New Mexico Consortium (NMC) in August 2010 as the Computer and Information Systems Manager and the project manager for the Parallel Reconfigurable Observational Environment (PRObE) project. He holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from Lule? University of Technology in Sweden and a Master's Degree in Computer Science from the University of Arizona. Before joining the NMC, he worked as a software developer for the Terrestrial Biophysics and Remote Sensing research laboratory at the University of Arizona, then taught undergraduate computer science at the University of New Mexico (UNM) for 5 years mainly covering introductory programming, systems programming, and computer architecture. During his time at UNM he also spent his summers teaching the highly successful Computer Systems, Clusters, and Networking Summer Institute for the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) - now a joint NMC/LANL program. Andree have interests in high performance computing, parallel programming, power-aware computing, and undergraduate CS education.