June 1, 2010

Three UNM PhD students, George Bezerra (Computer Science), Paul Hooper (Anthropology), and Wenyun Zuo (Biology) spent the Spring 2010 semester developing and teaching the first interdisciplinary course on Complex Networks Science at UNM. This unique teaching experience was provided through the auspices of UNM's Program of Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical Sciences (
PiBBs), where the three students are fellows. The course had 17 registered students from more than 7 different departments, plus several researchers and professors who regularly joined the lectures and discussions. The course covered topics such as random graphs, small-world networks, scale-free networks, fractal networks, network scaling, and community structure. It also included case studies of human and animal social networks, biological food webs, metabolic networks, road systems, neural networks, and computational networks. The material used in the course are available online at