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Advanced Methods for Information Conveyance
August 26, 2004
Date: Thursday August 26, 2004
Time: 11am- 12:15pm
Location: Woodward 149
David S. Ebert (email)
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue University
Abstract: In this talk, I'll describe our research beyond realistic rendering and visualization to address what we consider to be the primary purpose of graphics and visualization: effective conveyance of information to the user. We are developing techniques to enable graphics and visualization systems to become usable, dependable, and eventually indispensable tools for artists, animators, scientists, business managers, and information analysts to analyze and convey meaning from the underlying data. We are achieving this goal through new advanced interfaces, interactive image generation, and novel rendering and visualization techniques that incorporate and extend techniques from physics, perception, art, and illustration.
Bio: David S. Ebert is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University and director of the Purdue University Rendering and Perceptualization Lab with over $4M in active grants. He received his Ph.D. from the Computer and Information Science Department at The Ohio State University in 1991. His research interests are scientific, medical, and information visualization, computer graphics, animation, and procedural techniques. Dr. Ebert performs research in volume rendering, illustrative visualization, minimally immersive visualization, realistic rendering, procedural texturing, modeling, and animation, and modeling natural phenomena. Ebert has been very active in the graphics community, teaching courses, presenting papers, chairing the ACM SIGGRAPH 97 Sketches program, co-chairing the IEEE Visualization '98 and '99 Papers program, serving on the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee and serving as Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Ebert is also editor and co-author of the seminal text on procedural techniques in computer graphics, Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach, whose third edition was published in December 2003.